Our world is evolving rapidly, and changing in so many ways. The first segment of the video was about population growth. Are world is in exponential times, so in a matter of years are population will increase drastically . As a result food supplies could be a concern along with the lack of living space and privacy. It appears that the population growth in India and China will be far greater than North America. This could lead to these countries becoming more dominant and influential in the world tomorrow.
The second segment was about jobs and how some jobs are no longer necessary while others are being created. In the past, some one could get a job and keep it for the rest of their lives. Now, some people switch between jobs at a much more frequent pace because of the continuously changing technology. It also becoming a little difficult to choose career paths because people don't know what jobs will be available in the near future.
The last part of the video was on our constantly evolving technology. More and more so life is being based on computers. Dating, shopping, playing, sending mail, talking to people, watching movie, reading, working, as a few examples can all be done using Internet. Our society is becoming more and more technology and computer based as the days pass. The upside of this is that our world is more connected with each other. Facebook and similar sites allow you to talk to people on the other side of the planet very easily, which just a few years ago was thought to be basically impossible. It is very simple for someone to work out of the country with his laptop which, opens up a vast amount of possibilities. The scary thing is that in a few years there will be a computer smarter than a human. Maybe terminator 5 will be based on a true story.
What does it all mean? It means our future will be very unpredictable. Our planet is changing faster than we think. We are in exponential times and we are heading to a total computer age. The world is currently evolving faster than it ever has in the past. So who knows what we are in for? We are all just along for the ride.
P.S. Im in Aruba
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