Tomorrow in music we have to sing in front of our teacher and the whole class. This really frustrates me because I don't see the point of us singing for our friends. I know I speak for many people when I say that I am not comfortable in singing in front of people by myself and I don't think I can sing the songs we have to very well. If someone was to make a mistake while singing everyone would laugh and that person would get very embarrassed. I personally think that my singing is negatively impacted by how nervous I am.
Another point is that I think we should be able to pick our own music to sing. As long as the music is appropriate, and not something like rap or hip/hop, I don't see what is wrong with this idea. All the songs we have to sing are very high pitched and I don't like them very much. It wouldn't be hard for you to bring in a CD or an i-pod and play it through a radio or something of that sort, and it would be a lot more fun. If we were given a choice as to what we will sing I think I would sing much better and enjoy singing a lot more.
If we have to sing we should sing in our teachers office to her alone. In grade six we did this and it was a lot easier and definitely not as nerve racking. In grade eight everyone is at the age where we are very self conscious, and singing in front of people is a very hard thing to do. Also boys are at the stage where our voices are changing. Another thing that frustrates me is that we get marked on how well we sing! A lot of people don't really have a great singing voice and they can't help it. We shouldn't be graded on how well we can sing we should be graded on how much effort we put into it and how much we try. Everyone who has the guts to go on stage should deserve a good mark no matter what. In conclusion I think that we shouldn't have to sing in front of the class but if we absolutely must there are a few ways of making it easier and more fun.
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