If I could have any super powers in the world, I'd want to be able to fly/super-speed, to have a power like the force in star wars, and to know all languages including those of animals.
Flying is a pretty obvious one. I bet that most people will write it, but it is still a great power. Wouldn't you love to just leap in the air and start soaring through the sky with all the birds and airplanes. You would never need to use the bus, car, bike, or airplane again. You would never get stuck in traffic (unless it's migration season), and you would always be on time. That last one is big for me. If I had super speed I would no longer be the last one out of the class at the end of the day, or the last one done lunch. Although even if I could fly super fast I still would probably get distracted by something in the sky and be late for school.
If you had the force you could do so much. You could pick up the t.v. remote from the other side of the room without moving, you could sharpen your pencil at school without walking all the way to end of the class, and you would never have to ask to pass the salt again! Also you could just lift random things around your house up without touching them, just for fun. The best part is that I could tap someones shoulder and actually trick them!!!
Imagine being able to talk to any body in the world fluently, no matter where they are from. Even your pet dog! That would be amazing. I have always wanted to know what my dog is saying, and what is outside when he barks. The most important benefit of this power is that I would ace french class.
Of all the powers in the world I chose those 4. If I had those powers I could do almost anything. I could be the first one done lunch, I could ace french class and if i tapped someone on the shoulder they wouldn't see me doing it!!!
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