Global warming may be a very big issue in the near future. If we keep polluting the Earth at this current rate, global warming could hit us hard. By that I mean it could cause floods, horrible natural disasters, and a possible ice age. These things could wreck the future for us and all generations to come. We need to start significantly cutting down on our green house gas emissions.
All of the new technology looks cool and fun, but it could have negative effects. Most of the new devices let you stay in your home to do things that usually require leaving the home, such as talking too and seeing people, shopping, mailing, watching movies/TV, and many more. These type of devices may make our future generations less healthy and active, and more isolated and possibly obese/unhealthy. We will also soon have robots capable of thinking and becoming life like. This could result in major problems which are depicted in countless movies such as I,Robot, and The Terminator series.
Finally, if we had the ability to make nuclear bombs in the 1940's what do you think we have now? Bombs now or soon in the future could wipe out the whole world as we know it. We could be living in a wasteland with no food, water or shelter. Almost like going back into the past, rather than forward.
The future of our world is entirely up to us. If we act now we might still have the power to change it for the better. We might still be able to have the perfect Jetson style future.
P.S. I highly recommend watching the movies mentioned above as well as Wall-e. They are good examples of what could happen.