Sunday, May 2, 2010

iTunes vs Limewire

In today's society CD's, records, and tapes have almost become obsolete. The majority of music is downloaded from the internet and put onto iPods and mp3 players. The two biggest and most popular music sites are iTunes and Limewire. iTunes is the more professional and official site. Limewire is interactive site which allows users to import music as well as export. Personally I like Limewire more for a few reasons, the music is free, it has much more music than iTunes, and it has non professional or unofficial music releases.

First, all the music and videos on Limewire are free. This is a great benefit because you can get as much music as you want without having to worry about racking up a huge bill. When I used iTunes I very rarely got new music because of the price. iTunes has recently made everything more expensive, a single song is now $1.29. Now that I have Limewire I get new music almost every day, and I don't spend a single penny.

Second, since Limewire doesn't need to get Licenses for music they can get music from almost every artist. iTunes must get a license or permission for music from the artist. There are a few very popular bands who aren't on iTunes such as AC/DC.

Third, limewire has unofficial music. On Limewire you can download mixtapes and music that is not released professionally. You can discover many new artists and up and comers. Also many famous artists record music that is not released. Most of this music can be found on Limewire.

I have heard that Limewire is susceptible to viruses, and the quality and consistency of the music isn't great. I have not experienced any viruses and the lack of quality does not pose a significant problem. So personally I think Limewire is the overall better site because it is affordable and provides better access to music.


  1. A good length for a post but do you really think its fair to take someone's song for free when they had spent many hours toilessly working to perfect it for releasing but this website lets you download the songs for free giving no credit at all to the person who made it. I think its a rip off the the muscian.

  2. good post, very imformative, but you do know that the owner of Limewire has already been sued by 14 record companies for a lot of money for copywrite infragment, so limewire is now free, but illegal. Yet you are only sent to jail if you have thousands of songs and movies
