Monday, April 26, 2010

Is Justin Beiber The New King Of Pop?

Micheal Jackson is one of the most famous music artists of all time. He started his musical career with the Jackson 5 when he was 6.
He started his career as a child star but as he grew older he changed his styles and had different fan bases, until his death on June 25th, 2009. There are very few artists who can stand the test of time. Micheal worked hard to earn the title "King Of Pop". He didn't have the title until much later in his career, after countless singles and albums in the top charts. Not only did he hit the top charts but he influenced the direction of pop music and dance. He was an innovator who brought pop music and his kind of dancing to the fore front.

Justin Beiber also is starting his career as a child artist but he is famous for his looks and age. Also he has a feminine voice that many people like. In a few years Justin Beiber will grow out of his little boy looks and voice. If he can adapt to his changes and revamp his style to appeal to different audiences than he may last a little longer. If he is unable to than he has about a year left of fame. Also, if he wants to reach Micheal Jackson's status he needs to bring something new to the scene, because right now he is doing and singing the same stuff as everyone else. So far Justin has only put out two albums. It is not fair to classify him as the "new king of pop". He is not far enough in his career for anyone to know if he will ever earn that title. Personally I think he will be like the Jonas Brothers, he will be around for a couple of years and then never heard of again. If last year, you told Cassie or Maddie that in grade eight they would not like the Jonas Brothers at all, they would call you crazy, but guess what. It happened. So, only time will tell if Justin Beiber is a flash in the pan or the new king of pop.

Commented on Olivia's Blog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

School Uniforms

At our school we have to wear uniforms. Most people don't like them, but personally I don't mind them. I like uniforms for a few reasons: they cut down on bullying, they cost less than clothes, they help with your morning routine, and they make our school look professional and united.

Uniforms make bullying less of a problem because you can't pick on some one's clothes if you are wearing the same uniform. Also everybody is supposed to wear the uniforms the same so you can't pick on someone for the way they wear clothes either. Uniforms help create a level playing field in the class room. To stand out you must have a great personality or excel academically. In this sense uniforms help to create a more relaxed and comfortable school environment where the focus is on learning.

A single t-shirt today can cost more than a hundred dollars, and is only worn a couple times. Kids who don't have uniforms want to wear a different outfit everyday, which can get very expensive. Uniforms are relatively cheap and you get very good use out of them since you wear them everyday. You also only need to buy one or two sets.

In the morning you don't have a lot of time to get ready. You have to shower, pick your clothes, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, get your books ready and get to your bus or car. Since our school has uniforms you wear the same thing every day. This helps with your morning routine since you don't have to decide what to wear. Freeing up this step gives you more time in the morning.

When a school is together wearing a uniform it looks very professional. Since everyone is wearing the same thing the group looks like one. Everyone is connected and united. Schools look unprofessional when they are on field trips and every kid is wearing different clothes. All you notice is a collage of colours and patterns. There is no continuity.

So even though most students you ask do not have a positive attitude toward uniforms, they are saving our parents money, and they may be helping their school experience without them even knowing.

Commented on Olivia's blog

Monday, April 12, 2010


Evensong is a tradition at our school. It is when everybody goes down to the chapel at 1:40 and we have a religious service. Not many kids enjoy this event, but it is something that will never go away. In this blog, I am not going to whine about it but suggest a few ways to make it better.
I feel it should be earlier in the day, the chapel should not be as warm, and I think the constant sitting and standing should be adjusted a bit.

Currently, evensong is our second last period. Having it at this time breaks up your academic day. It takes your mind away from school making it difficult to focus during the final period. If it was earlier in the day people would be fresh and ready.

Another thing that really turns students off of evensong is how hot the chapel is. In our chapel everyone is always sweating and complaining about how hot they are. All we need to do is find a more comfortable temperature. By doing so evensong may result in a more positive experience.

My last point was how in evensong, we have to constantly sit then stand every few minutes. The constant up and down gets a little annoying after awhile. I know we have to stand for certain prayers, but I think we should be allowed to sit a little more often ( for hymns etc.). Or maybe all of the standing goes first and then we sit for the rest.

I strongly believe that if we can't stop evensong , then we can definitely make it better by making the few changes I suggested. If the changes can be made, then most students will look at evensong more positively and less negatively.

Commented on Lizzies blog

Monday, April 5, 2010


When I read the blog topic that was posted the first thing to catch my attention was that making the most of life and fulfilling your bucket list may not be the same. If you complete your bucket list it doesn't mean you have made the most of life, and it is possible to make the most of life without completing your list.
A bucket list refers to a list of things which you would like to do before you die. These things are usually things that could be reasonably accomplished. They are usually short lived and result in short term or immediate gratification. Most people can make a bucket list in a matter of minutes. Quickly, here's mine:
1. Sky Dive
2. Race a car on a track
3. Ride the current top roller coaster
4. Bungee jump
5. Own a 1969 Shelby Ford Mustang gt 500 Eleanor

On the other hand making the most of your life usually takes your whole life to fulfill, and the gratification from it will last forever. Life goals may be different for everyone but they may include things such as: being financially successful, having many wonderful relationships, helping the world and people around you, etc. Setting your goals is usually not something you can just sit down and do, it usually takes awhile to figure out. Personally I think making the most of you life would ideally be a combination of all the things listed above.
So be cautious when someone looks back at their life it may not be the bucket list that makes them feel like they have had a successful life. Perhaps it is not what they did in their life but how they lived it.

I commented on Olivia's blog and Lizzie's blog